Another weekly update brought to you by Stanley.... he practically went back to hometown to see siu pok every weekend while I myself am happy to see the photos....
She seem fully recovered!
Next update should be in one week time...
4 men 1 dog... and their stories
Another weekly update brought to you by Stanley.... he practically went back to hometown to see siu pok every weekend while I myself am happy to see the photos....
She seem fully recovered!
Next update should be in one week time...
Was suprised to receive new photos from Stanley.... our siu pok have grown up so much since she left our house...
this one really show how tall she is now....
Still cute!!
Its been a few weeks, since the day we sent siu pok away... and heres some update brought to you by Stanley ...
She has since grew up abit, but due to the medication bath... she don't look as pretty now.. I guess she will look pretty in two months time...
till then, we'll put up more updates :)
When you don't take care of the little things.
Few weeks ago, siu pok reminded us that Big Things Happens when we do the little things right. But we don't really get the message!
And now, siu pok is sick! and we discovered it somehow too late! (not that kind of "too late" you might think of) She still jump around like what she used to do... but its time for us to wake up!
Siu pok is growing up, and she needs more attention. While we do not have much time to spend with her at home, we should send her back to (either alvin or stanley's family) as planned earlier.
Her future is undecided at the moment, but i will only allow the release of her to anyone if she is in perfect condition.
We saved her, and we will be responsible for her
It was 5 weeks ago when we have siu pok, and she grew up alot!
compare the current picture, with the one when we met her...
and if you notice, her ears are getting bigger :)
On the right time, and right place....
When she do the little things right!
Then continue pretending to be innocent.... until I found out
* anyway sorry to my boss who borrowed that book to me :P
* innocent, wondered if she can have both the cherry on the floor mat...
* Run, siu pok... Run! The sporty side of her (even thou she'll lost balance and "Pok Gai" when she run on the marble floor :P)
* The evil side of siu pok! muhahahahaha
Been away for working trips for few days, and I am surprised that siu pok is so fat now!
*Just look at the big tummy!
Once again showing her talent of knowing how to pose in front of my camera, someone at the back seems want to imitate our little pokky.
* It seems like Stanley's face smells like her dog food... oops!
3 for today, more later~~
Took the opportunity to take these picture just now.... she know how to pose in front of the camera...
Siu Pok went back to Mentakab with Stanley Papa last Friday and only came back today...
3 picture for today :)
Growing up means getting naughtier, she know how to come out of her "bungalow" on her own already...
Anyone wants to sponsor a new home for her?
It was yet another boring Sunday afternoon... till we found her...
under the tree where Alvin parked his car... soaked wet in the afternoon thunderstorm....
we transported her back in the broken bag... found in Alvin's car
The 4 "legendary" men .... and the puppy... :P
Enjoying herself after the bath... her eyes aren't fully open yet..
Stanley papa make some milk for her...
Lastly... her bungalow sponsored by.... "IK Yellow..".... Hell NO! It is actually sponsored by me!
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